Yes Music Podcast

Produced by Wayne Hall, Joseph Cottrell, Jeffrey Crecelius and Ken Fuller

We spoke to publisher and Yes author Stephen Lambe this week about his (relatively) recent book Rock Classics - Yes 90125. The book delves deeply into the story of the 1983 album that became Yes’ best selling record of all time and saw the rebirth of the band after the events following the Drama tour. It could all have been very different if Trevor Rabin, Chris Squire, Tony Kaye and Alan White had stuck with their original plans of creating a much more stadium rock orientated band called Cinema. Stephen Lambe helps us to discover the unsung hero of the album’s creation and the man who was responsible for bringing Jon Anderson back into the fold.

Listen out for that later on in the episode and get hold of a copy of Stephen’s book at Burning Shed or your favourite retailer.

  • Who is the unsung hero of 90125?
  • Did the members of Cinema want it to morph into Yes?
  • What are the keys to the longevity of the album?

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Direct download: ep651_90125.mp3
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