Yes Music Podcast

Produced by Wayne Hall, Joseph Cottrell, Jeffrey Crecelius and Ken Fuller

Last week was the 80th birthday of the legendary Yes co-founder Jon Anderson. To mark this important milestone, Mark and I chose just 3 of our favourite Anderson moments - solo (or collaborations), with Yes on record and with Yes live.

Clearly, we both had to do a lot of thinking and leave out countless items we could have included. However, we did come up with 6 interesting and iconic items to celebrate Jon's birthday. It's remarkable that he is still so active and has created such an amazing collection of musical wonders over more than 6 decades.

  • What makes Jon Anderson a special musician?
  • What collaborations or solo albums are our favourites?
  • What are our choices of the best Jon live moments?

Let us know if you agree with us!

Direct download: ep647_happy80th.mp3
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