Yes Music Podcast

Produced by Wayne Hall, Joseph Cottrell, Jeffrey Crecelius and Ken Fuller

This week, Mark and I took a listen to some of the existing Yes songs and versions that have already been added to official reissued albums and collections and classed as ‘previously unreleased’. We have chosen some of our favourites and discuss what we like about them.

This activity was partly prompted by Yes aficionado Jon Dee who, in his own words on Facebook says the following:

“I’m currently listening to YES playing ‘Eleanor Rigby’… IN THE STUDIO!!

There are 3 takes and it sounds like they’re doing a studio run through. Sounds like a single microphone was used to record it as a demo - but it’s very good quality.
Getting this on top of the multi-tracks for some ‘Time and a Word’ songs has made this a great week!
I have let the record label and management know about this as the first two albums will be getting rereleased at some point.

How many of you would like to hear ‘Eleanor Rigby’ by YES - plus an orchestra free version of ‘No Opportunity’, ‘Sweet Dreams’ and ‘Clear Days’??

‘No Opportunity’ will blow people away when they hear a no orchestra version with Kaye, Squire and Banks far more to the fore. It seriously rocks.

In addition to his full electric guitar track, there is also a Spanish guitar track from Banks on the multi-track for ‘No Opportunity’. Peter plays some very cool acoustic guitar on that track.”

It’s another set of very exciting discoveries for us Yes fans so keep your ears peeled for more news of that, hopefully soon.

  • What could we hear in the future?
  • What are our favourite previously unreleased songs?
  • Could any of them have been on official albums?

Let us know if you agree with us!

Direct download: ep638_previously_unreleased.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:06pm UTC