Yes Music Podcast

Produced by Joseph Cottrell, Ken Fuller, Wayne Hall and Jeffrey Crecelius

This week Mark and I began to think about the next musician Yes wanted to sign up, this time as a live associate member of the band for the 1994 Talk Tour. We talk about Billy's connections to Yes members, his involvement with Union and lots of other topics. You'll also find out what record we have chosen to listen to next week for some clues as to Billy's suitability to join Yes at this point.

In addition, we have time for a two pence segment about the recent sale of Yes' Atlantic back catalogue to Warner Bros. and what this means for the band and the fans.

  • What did Yes know about Billy at this point?
  • What about him attracted their attention?
  • Why did they want a sixth member of the band for this tour?

Direct download: ep567_why_yes_want_billy_pt1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:47pm UTC

Produced by Joseph Cottrell, Ken Fuller, Wayne Hall and Jeffrey Crecelius

Jon Anderson's conceptual epic, Olias of Sunhillow, is under the microscope this week.

  • Does this album live up to its amazing reputation?
  • How does Jon Anderson get on playing all the instruments?
  • Does Olias feel like a complete work or a bit bolted together?

Direct download: ep566_olias_rerun.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:41pm UTC

 Produced by Ken Fuller, Jeffrey Crecelius and Wayne Hall

As I’m sure you know we lost another giant of the rock world this week. Jeff Beck was one of the most influential guitarists of all time and I’m sure Yes music would sound very different - or possibly wouldn’t exist without the influence of the great man. Rest in Peace.


This week we had a great conversation with Joe Cass who you may well know is the drummer for Yes Tribute Total Mass Retain. He told us stories of his connections with Yes members and the aims of his band who have confirmed two 2023 concerts so far - visit for all the information - they put on an amazing evening of Yes music and if you haven’t met Joe yet, you’ll hear just what a generous and thoughtful musician he is from our chat.

Direct download: ep565_joe_tmr.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:58pm UTC

Produced by Ken Fuller, Wayne Hall and Jeffrey Crecelius

New Year and time to look forward, rather than back. Join Mark and me talking about what's coming up based on two sources:

  1. - companion site to from the legendary Henry Potts
  2. from the knowledgeable and erudite Jon Dee

  • What Yes and Yes related albums can we look forward to in 2023?
  • Is anyone touring?
  • Who is publishing a fascinating book about Tormato?

Direct download: ep564_2023_a_new_hope.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:20pm UTC