Yes Music Podcast

Is or was Yes a promotional video type band? This is the question Mark and I wrestle with this week. We each choose 3 videos to discuss and also broaden our scope a bit as well. Stay tuned for that a little bit later on and do watch the videos which I’ve embedded into the show notes below to give you some context.

Direct download: ep450_video_killed.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:26pm UTC

In a week when I was very pressed for time, I did manage to listen to Yes and Time And A Word and also speak to Mark about it.

Direct download: ep449_yes_vs_taaw.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:19pm UTC

Mark and I have had an interesting week firstly trying to get hold of and then listening to the collaborative album Wakeman With Wakeman by Rick and Adam.

Direct download: ep448_what_next_wakeman_again.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:01pm UTC

It’s the beginning of September and the YMP is back. Mark and I are starting off with the next part of our 'what did they do next' series and this time we are back again to Rick Wakeman leaving in the run up to work starting on the Talk album, which he was originally going to be part of. Instead, he undertook some solo and collaboration activity and we will be discussing all that in more detail in this episode.

It’s also been an important week for Yes with the official launch of the pre-order for the new live album.

Direct download: ep447_what_next_wakeman_again.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:12pm UTC