Yes Music Podcast

For a special end of decade show, we join forces with our friends at the Progressive Palaver and enjoy a Two Pence all about Tormato!

Progressive Palaver

Direct download: YMP_episode_412_prog_pala.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:49pm UTC

This week, ark and I take a close look at both the XYZ sessions and Run With The Fox - the two things Alan White and Chris Squire did after the breakup of the Drama lineup of the band. See if you agree with our assessments as always and leave your comments on the show notes for this week.

I also need to give my now weekly apologies - this time to Patron Mark Lang. I meant to put his wonderful Trading Boundaries photos in the show notes for last week and then I forgot - sorry Mark - they  are in this week’s notes. I’m particularly fond of the shot of you and Roger for a couple of reasons.

Direct download: YMP_episode_411_next_squire_white.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30pm UTC

This week Mark and I begin to consider what happened when the band essentially split up a short time after the Drama Tour ended almost exactly 39 years ago in December 1980. So we have the chance to see what each member of the band did next and we’re starting with Alan White and Chris Squire.

Direct download: YMP_episode_410_next_squire_white.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:31pm UTC

This week Mark and I had planned to start looking at the next exodus from the band. Yes had essentially disbanded after the Drama tour had come to an end and so we have the opportunity to examine what each member of the band did next - Trevor Horn and Geoff Downes, Steve Howe, Alan White and Chris Squire. First we were going to listen to the next chapter in Squire and White’s journey - so that’s XYZ with Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page - a project which didn’t go anywhere in the end but did produce some demos and, particularly relevant at this time of year, Ru WIth The Fox, the duo’s strangely unsuccessful Christmas single.

Unfortunately, Mark has not been well this week so we’ve decided to shelve this episode until next week. In the meantime, I’ve put together a selection of clips from the Yes authors we have spoken to in 2019’s Patreon group. If you’ve already heard or actually seen these because you are a Patron, then I hope you enjoy hearing some highlights again and if you have been wondering whether to start helping the YMP out financially, maybe this will tip you over the edge - one way or the other!

Direct download: YMP_episode_409_patreon_authors.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30pm UTC