Fri, 29 June 2018
This week I'm preoccupied with arrangements for the family funeral but I managed to meet up with Mark to discuss a selection of Yes topics which I hope you will enjoy. Please do add your answers to the various questions I posed in the comments. |
Fri, 22 June 2018
We consider the singles (if any) from Magnification this week and talk about that album alongside Symphonic Live. There's also time for a Two Pence segment on the ARW revelations this week!
Fri, 15 June 2018
A very short episode this week as I was unable to fit anything more in due to bereavement.
Direct download: YMP_episode_339_a_short_set_of_messages.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:41pm UTC |
Fri, 8 June 2018
Both Yes and Yes featuring ARW are out on tour so this episode contains some set list spoilers - you might want to skip this one if you don't want to know what's being played. We also look at the singles from The Ladder and discuss in depth those set lists in our Two Pence section. |
Fri, 1 June 2018
In a week which was supposed to be a holiday for me, we actually managed to speak to Tom Brislin about his new band The Sea Within as well as about YES50. Mark reviewed the self-titled album and we then got together to compare notes. Phew!
Direct download: YMP_episode_337_the_sea_within_tom_brislin.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30pm UTC |