Yes Music Podcast

The first of 5 special anniversary episodes of the podcasts featuring conversations with listeners. We start with Ken Fuller.

Direct download: YMP_episode_245_5th_anniversary_pt_1_ken_fuller.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:24pm UTC

Mark reviews a bootleg recording and we discuss what Yes can mean by playing Yessongs live in Japan. Also, I continue reading the Bill Bruford Autobiography and I look forward to the 5th Anniversary celebrations next week.

Direct download: YMP_episode_244_bootleg_review_yessongs_live.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:05am UTC

I start to read the Bill Bruford Autobiography and we discuss a fun 2 pence as well as those hideous (or not) electronic drums. There's also the announcement of a Patreon idea...

Direct download: YMP_episode_243_bill_bruford_electronic_drums.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:55pm UTC

This week our 2 Pence is about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and we also discuss our favourite special editions of Yes albums. Kevin comes up with a set of definitions of special editions, Mark delves deeply into the technical specifications and we come up with our two favourite discs. Take a listen and see if your favourites match ours!

  • What makes a Yes album release a special edition?
  • Are there more special editions than the Steven Wilson Remixes?
  • Why are most special editions on CD?

Listen to the episode then let us know what you think!

Direct download: YMP_episode_242_special_editions_albums.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:39pm UTC