Yes Music Podcast

Produced by Joseph Cottrell, Jeffrey Crecelius and Ken Fuller

This week Mark and I welcomed the knowledgeable Chris Dale back onto the show for the third time. If you haven't listened to the episodes where Chris talks about the Birotron (the infamous rarest musical instrument in the world) and the other keyboards on Tormato, then you may want to catch up with those before listening to this latest installment.

The Birotron - episode 503

The other Tormato keyboards - episode 531

This time the focus is the keyboards on Tales from Topographic Oceans and, as usual, Chris uncovers some truly amazing facts and insights. After all, he does own Rick Wakeman's double mellotron, so who coud be better placed to share the sectrets of that instrument and its unique contributions to Tales?

  • What keyboards did Rick Wakeman use on Tales?
  • What makes that double Mellotron unique?
  • Which aspects of Tales does Chris think are great?

Let us know if you agree with us!

Direct download: ep594_chris_dale_tales_keys.mp3
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